Cities As Green Leaders™ (CGL)
Cities As Green Leaders™ is owned by LINK Communications. CGL provides the services of development and presentation of programs that educate and engage members of the general public in environmental issues (Jan. 2011).
Community Response Marketing Program™ (CRM)
Community Response Marketing Program™ is owned by LINK Communications. CRM provides the services of creation of customized marketing program or communication initiatives that combine the conveying of a social benefit or the solving of a social problem with the achievement of business objectives in respect to client’s goods or services (Oct. 1994).
Congratulations from Edmonton’s Mayor Mandel
Cities As Green Leaders™
Turning Climate Knowledge Into Climate Action (PICS)
Launched in Edmonton and debuted at the 2013/May national Scientific Congress held jointly with CMOS, CGU and CWRA in Saskatoon, this Community Response Marketing™ Program has been built to roll out nationally and globally through scientists’ premium green networks, using municipal governments and education systems as entry points in their communities.
CGL Featured in October 2013 CMOS Bulletin
Intro (page 4) - Featured Story (pages 23-27) - Full Bulletin (44 pages)
Over a period of two months, April through May, students learned the complexities of climate change and the green goals and strategic plans of their City. Mid-May, students came together in a one day Virtual Town Hall to address key questions about climate change. Data was collected, synthesized into a survey to reflect students’ priorities and, a subsequent Writing Retreat produced Cities As Green Leaders™: A White Paper by Edmonton's Youth.
Students Take Action On Climate Change
Youth Care
Students from six high schools, systematically chosen from Separate and Public education, to represent the City of Edmonton’s (north-central-south-east-west) geography and diverse demographic population, came together to collaborate through the use of technology in a Virtual Town Hall to discuss how the City can manage its growing carbon footprint.
White Paper Report
Youth Want To Contribute

Students worked in plenary and breakout groups to address key questions. The data was
collected to these questions, synthesized into a survey, made available to the collective
student body, and a subsequent writing retreat produced
Cities as Green Leaders™: A White
Paper by
Edmonton's Youth.

CMOS Scientific Congress
Youth Show Passion To Shape Change
By invitation and on behalf of youth in Edmonton, a student delegation travelled to Saskatoon to present their White Paper Report in a Policy and Environmental Management Session at Canada’s national 2013 CMOS/CGU/CWRA Congress. Edmonton’s students made history as the first youth cohort to present to a national assembly of Canada’s ranked scientists.